Become a member of the Warrior Volunteer Force! Sign up for events that you would like to support, learn more about the organization and services offered and join an award-winning team who impacts the lives of thousands of warriors and families each year.
The Warrior Volunteer Force is the powerful engine behind Us4Warriors! Each year, these mighty volunteers come together to fulfill the needs of several key programs supporting warriors. From food distributions to special events, community service projects and more, the force realizes activities that harness the power of good people to help others in need.
Along with these below dedicated activities & projects, check out our Company Projects & Perpetual (and Special) Opportunities.

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Perpetual & Special Opportunities
Along with the above portal, you can find some of our perpetual & special volunteer opportunities, whether routine task-oriented positions or specific skill-based positions on our Volunteer Match page as well.
Got a question? Reach out to our Community Engagement Support Team ( or 888-444-1415.

It takes many volunteers to make things happen! Here are some ways that the Warrior Volunteer Force create opportunities in order to support the mission. It all starts with joining the force. Click here!
Food4Warriors Distributions
Monthly Offerings
Standdown for Homeless Events
Two Large Scale Events Annually
Community Service Projects
Several Throughout the Year
Food4Warriors hosts monthly events and supports several ongoing projects to help active duty military, veterans and families in need.
Special Event Hosting
Four Unique Events Annually
From Golf4Warriors to Laughs4Warriors, Art4Warriors and Books4Warriors, our unique annual events bring smiles, resources and an added element of fundraising and FUN to many.
Team Leadership & Coordination
Monthly Opportunities
Train and qualify to become a Warrior Volunteer Force Team Leader. Team Leaders are the dedicated leadership positions designed to serve in key coordination and team support roles. Each Team Leader completes various activities and earns a special certification that displays earning the role as a Team Leader.
Events each year in North and South sections of the San Diego County help over 2000 homeless veterans and families each year. These collaborative efforts take many helpful hands and warm hearts.
Food Pantry & Packing Activities
Monthly Opportunities
It takes many hands to stock a pantry and pack the many bags of groceries that are delivered and picked up in support of several activities helping those in need throughout the year.
Skills Targeted Task Opportunities
Your skills and talents can serve others by supporting many endeavors that help thousands. These opportunities are based on need and posted periodically to Warrior Volunteer Force. Key support or seasonal opportunities designed to meet one-time tasks help keep the mission going.
Help build, repair, revitalize and create through many service projects offered each year. From large to small projects, the impact for others is immeasurable.
Training Event Support
Monthly Opportunities
Periodically, we host training events and it takes a team to ensure the experience is one that all benefit from. Whether it is lectures, panel discussions, interactive sessions, or other dynamic training, opportunities to participate and support are available.
Wing Leadership (Skills-Oriented)
Become a dedicated part of the team. Opportunities to assist Program & Activities Managers in a wide array of positions are available that can enhance any professionals desire to give back and demonstrate noteworthy achievement for future employers. Areas, such as Event Coordination, Grant Support, Digital Marketing, Info Tech and others where training is available are key components of continuing to move the mission forward.
Company Volunteers?
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Yep. We are there, too
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