Us4Warriors Announces the Passing of an Us4Warriors Advisor/Honorary Associate. Message from Our CEO/Co-founder, Tony Stewart: "When The Us4Warriors Foundation was established in 2013, it was sparked from many different groups and fed by many different perspectives and efforts of champions in the Veterans Community of San Diego County, California. One such champion and mentor was Edward Grimsley, U.S. Marine Corps. The entire first set of board members of Us4Warriors were, at one time or another, groomed for leadership and other aspects of supporting Veterans thanks to the kindness and mentorship of "Papa Ed." Rising through the ranks of The American Legion, Ed sprang forth from the award-winning team of San Diego's District 22 to take the helm of the Department of California serving as Department Commander during a critical time overseeing the health and welfare of Veterans throughout the State of California during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Ed's legacy lives on through those he mentored and supported along the way. We at Us4Warriors are proud to be among them. We thank Ed for his legacy of leadership and mentorship for so many. We thank his wife, Annette, and their family for allowing us to share Ed's warm heart and support for so many years. Ed, we thank you for all that you have done and say "Salute!" until we all join together again!"